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Watching Paint Dry ...

With the Centre's 5 Year Anniversary celebrations getting closer by the day (why is time going so fast at the moment??) myself and Nik decided that the main hall at the Centre definitely needed a lick of paint to freshen it up. you can imagine, to give "a lick of paint" to a community centre's main hall which can seat in excess of 130 people is slightly different to giving a lick of paint to your living room .......... so, for practicality myself and Nik decided that we would paint just up to the plastic strip that is about four foot from the ground, rather than right up to the ceiling, which at some points I would guess is well over 20 feet. However, the entire areas around the two entrance doors were going to be painted, as they had received more wear and tear than other areas.

So, looking the part in my very fetching royal blue working man's boilersuit (inherited from my father in law) I set off to the Centre this morning with a spring in my step, carrying a big box of dust sheets from our garage at home. Met Nik at the Centre and we immediately started - not even a cuppa and a biscuit first!

So, we painted....we painted.... we painted some more .... a very nice man popped his head around the door to say hello and say what a lovely hall it was ..... and we did actually stop for a cuppa late morning. First coat was finally completed..... so we then completed the job by doing it all again. At this point I was sooo relieved that we weren't painting right up to the ceiling!

Have to say we were both glad to finish the job, and were rather proud of the completed job. The hall once more looks fresh and bright.

Phew !! No more black scuff marks on the wall!

Proud of our completed job !!!

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